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Alla våra produkter är laktosfria och glutenfria
Byske Karamellfabrik Cap
250 kr
210 kr
In stock.
Second-hand sorting 0.5 kg
60 kr
55 kr
In stock.
Tutti-Frutti klubba - 50g
35 kr
30 kr
In stock.
Troca klubba - 50g
35 kr
30 kr
In stock.
Polka Klubba - 50g
35 kr
30 kr
In stock.
Hallon blåbär klubba - 50g
35 kr
30 kr
In stock.
Hallon/Lakrits Klubba - 50g
35 kr
30 kr
In stock.
Presentpåse Blåbär-180g
45 kr
39 kr
In stock.
Presentpåse Hjortron-180g
45 kr
39 kr
In stock.
Presentpåse Viol-180g
45 kr
39 kr
In stock.
Presentpåse Glögg-180g
45 kr
39 kr
In stock.
Presentpåse Polka-180g
45 kr
39 kr
In stock.
Presentpåse Hallon/Blåbär-180g
45 kr
39 kr
In stock.
Pastiller Norrlandsmix
34 kr
In stock.
Pastiller Sur Äpple
34 kr
In stock.
Pastiller Hallon/Lakrits
34 kr
In stock.
Pastiller Viol
34 kr
In stock.
Pastiller Lakrits
34 kr
In stock.
Pastiller Tutti-Frutti
34 kr
In stock.
Pastiller Citron/lime
34 kr
In stock.
Pastiller Polka
34 kr
In stock.
Pastiller - Byske kungen
34 kr
In stock.
Pastiller Hallon/Blåbär
34 kr
In stock.
Skogsbär - 160g
23 kr
In stock.
Kolamix - 160g
23 kr
In stock.
Glögg polka-160g
23 kr
In stock.
Rock mix-160g
23 kr
In stock.
Fruit Licorice 160g
23 kr
In stock.
23 kr
In stock.
Almond polka-160g
23 kr
In stock.
Raspberry/licorice Bag 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Banana, Melon, Kiwi & Lemon bag - 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Butterscotch caramels - 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Chokladkola karameller - 280g
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Us-Cola Bag - 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Violet/Licorice Bag - 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Watermelon Bag 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Wild strawberry, Bag 280 - grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Troca, With the taste of Trocadero, Bag - 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Blueberry Bag - 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Fruit licorice Bag 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Toffee Bag - 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Raspberry/Blueberry Bag 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Rock mixture Bag - 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
violet Bag 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Lingonberry Bag - 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Licorice Bag 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Lemon/Lime Bag 280 - grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Turkish Pepper Bag - 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Tutti-Frutti Bag - 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Strawberry/vanilla Bag 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Sour apple Bag 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Almond Polka Bag 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Cloudberry Bag - 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Raspberry/rhubarb Bag - 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Polka Bag 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Lemon/licorice Bag 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Toffee/mint Bag 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Coffee Bag 280 grams
55 kr
47 kr
In stock.
Raspberry/Licorice, cone 120 grams
30 kr
In stock.
Blueberries, cone 120 grams
30 kr
In stock.
Polka, cone 120 grams
30 kr
In stock.
Cream caramel/Mint, cone 120 grams
30 kr
In stock.
Lingonberry, cone 120 - grams
30 kr
In stock.
Rocksblandning, strut 110 gram
30 kr
In stock.
Lemon/Lime, cone 120 grams
30 kr
In stock.
Strawberry/Vanilla, cone 120 grams
30 kr
In stock.
Violet, cone 120 - grams
30 kr
In stock.
Turkish pepper, cone 120 - grams
30 kr
In stock.
Violet & licorice, cone -120 grams
30 kr
In stock.
Raspberry rhubarb, cone - 120 grams
30 kr
In stock.
Bitter almond, cone 120 grams
30 kr
In stock.
Cloudberry, cone -120 grams
30 kr
In stock.
Raspberry blueberry, cone 120 grams
30 kr
In stock.
Cream caramel, cone 120 grams
30 kr
In stock.
Norrland mix, cone -120 grams
30 kr
In stock.
Tutti-frutti, cone 120 grams
30 kr
In stock.
ByskeKungen, cone -120 grams
30 kr
In stock.
Licorice, cone 120 grams
30 kr
In stock.
Watermelon, cone 120 grams
30 kr
In stock.
Wild strawberry, cone -120 grams
30 kr
In stock.
Banana, Melon, Kiwi & Lemon cone -120 grams
30 kr
In stock.
Us-Cola cone - 120 grams
30 kr
In stock.